Montana Wool Lab

OFDA 2000 Testing Submission Form

User Information


 For US Address

 For International Address

Species Information (Check all that apply)
Sample Analysis and Pricing (enter desired quantity of each type)
Analysis Description Price Quantity
OFDA 2000 (Montana Producer)$3.00X
OFDA 2000 (Out-of-State Producer)$4.00X
OFDA 2000 (Montana Alpaca Producer)$5.00X
OFDA 2000 (Out-of-State Alpaca Producer)$6.00X
Micron Profile$.50X
Staple length (by ruler, measured in inches)
Note: staple length is provided up to 6 inches in the OFDA data returned to the producer.
Please check staple length if it is over 6 inches.
Information on Mailing Samples and Receiving Results
Mail samples to:
Montana Wool Lab
P.O. Box 172900
Bozeman, MT 59717-2900
Contact The Montana Wool Lab by calling 406-994-2100 or email
TOTAL:   $0